IRIX Base Documentation 1998 November
IRIX 6.5.2 Base Documentation November 1998.img
Text File
264 lines
XXXXKKKKAAAASSSS((((1111)))) KKKK----AAAASSSShhhhaaaarrrreeee bbbbyyyy XXXXiiiinnnneeeetttt,,,, IIIInnnncccc.... ((((22224444 OOOOcccctttt 1111999999997777 8888....8888)))) XXXXKKKKAAAASSSS((((1111))))
xkas - AppleShare Server manager for The X Window System
xxxxkkkkaaaassss [ -_t_o_o_l_k_i_t_o_p_t_i_o_n ... ]
The program _x_k_a_s is an X11/Motif client that allows users to
select and publish UNIX directories as Apple Filing Protocol
(AFP) volumes through K-AShare. It also provides the system
administrator with a graphical interface for administering a
K-AShare server.
Non-super-users may add new directories to their private
volume lists, change an entry's name or access permission,
and delete entries. The super-user (root) performs the same
operations on the server-wide published volume list or for a
particular user, and may also set options for a host's K-
AShare server, shutdown or startup K-AShare, or send
messages to K-AShare clients.
This program should not be run when X server resources are
not available to it. The default english resources are
usually in the file /_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_X_1_1/_a_p_p-_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s/_X_i_n_e_t, but may
be elsewhere depending on your X server and user
environment. This is a locale-aware program and will serve
any locale for which there is a /usr/lib/X11/_l_o_c_a_l_e/app-
defaults/Xinet file. These resources may also be made
available via the _x_r_d_b(1) program. You will know if the
resources have been properly initialized if the button on
the bottom right of the main window is labeled ``Exit'' (or
the non-english equivalent) instead of ``quit.''
_X_k_a_s is built using the X Toolkit and Motif widgets, and
therefore accepts the standard set of command-line options
that most Toolkit programs accept. See the X Toolkit and
Motif library manuals for more information about the
resources needed to control the appearance of the widgets in
this application.
An overall view of the major widget structure of _x_k_a_s is
listed below (many of the hidden Motif subclasses are not
shown). Indentation indicates hierarchical structure. The
widget class name is given first, followed by the widget
instance name.
Xinet xkas
XmForm main
XmRadioBox select
XmLabelGadget curlic
XmToggleButtonGadget allusers
XmToggleButtonGadget "for _l_o_g_i_n__n_a_m_e"
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XXXXKKKKAAAASSSS((((1111)))) KKKK----AAAASSSShhhhaaaarrrreeee bbbbyyyy XXXXiiiinnnneeeetttt,,,, IIIInnnncccc.... ((((22224444 OOOOcccctttt 1111999999997777 8888....8888)))) XXXXKKKKAAAASSSS((((1111))))
XmTextField user (for ``root'' only)
XmLabelGadget "listheader"
XmScrolledWindow system_list
XmList system_list
XmRowColumn button_rc
XmPushButtonGadget addvol
XmPushButtonGadget changevol
XmPushButtonGadget deletevol
XmPushButtonGadget kasopts (for ``root'' only)
XmPushButtonGadget shutmess (for ``root'' only)
XmPushButtonGadget quit
XmFileSelectionBox dir_fs_popup
(Only the Directory List, Selection and OK & CANCEL Buttons are enabled)
XmForm volopt_popup
XmRowColumn vo_rc
XmRowColumn volname_rc
XmLabelGadget VolName
XmTextField volname
XmToggleButtonGadget ReadOnly
XmToggleButtonGadget CustomIcons
XmRowColumn volpass_rc
XmLabelGadget VolumePass
XmTextField volpass
XmSeparator opis
XmToggleButtonGadget doweb
XmRowColumn webname_rc
XmLabelGadget LowWebName
XmTextField webname
XmToggleButtonGadget doopi
XmRowColumn lowname_rc
XmLabelGadget LowResName
XmTextField lowname
XmSeparator btn
XmRowColumn btn_rc
XmPushButtonGadget save
XmPushButtonGadget opiopt
XmPushButtonGadget cancel
XmMessageBox errmsg
XmMessageBox ask
(The following are created for ``root'' only)
XmForm kasopt_popup
XmRowColumn opt_rc
XmToggleButtonGadget dontconvertdosnames
XmToggleButtonGadget never
XmToggleButtonGadget FileSp
XmToggleButtonGadget UsSpec
XmToggleButtonGadget Anonym
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XXXXKKKKAAAASSSS((((1111)))) KKKK----AAAASSSShhhhaaaarrrreeee bbbbyyyy XXXXiiiinnnneeeetttt,,,, IIIInnnncccc.... ((((22224444 OOOOcccctttt 1111999999997777 8888....8888)))) XXXXKKKKAAAASSSS((((1111))))
XmToggleButtonGadget SepProc
XmToggleButtonGadget NoChange
XmToggleButtonGadget NoRoot
XmToggleButtonGadget NoGuest
XmToggleButtonGadget NoLock
XmToggleButtonGadget NoLiks
XmToggleButtonGadget 4Gigs
XmToggleButtonGadget NoClean
XmToggleButtonGadget NoDot
XmToggleButtonGadget Verbose
XmOptionMenu tcpmenu
XmPulldownMenu tcppd
XmPushButtonGadget none
XmPushButtonGadget localpasswd
XmPushButtonGadget passwd
XmPushButtonGadget local
XmPushButtonGadget disable
XmLabelGadget AFPname
XmTextField servername
XmLabelGadget ServerZone
XmScrolledWindow zonelist
XmList zonelist
XmSeparator btn
XmPushButtonGadget save
XmPushButtonGadget disable
XmPushButtonGadget cancel
XmForm shut_popup
XmLabelGadget status
XmLabelGadget themessage
XmText msgtext
XmPushButtonGadget cancel
XmPushButtonGadget shutdown
XmPushButtonGadget start
XmPushButtonGadget message
XmRowColumn time_rc
XmLabelGadget Shutdown
XmTextField minutes
XmLabelGadget Minutes
XmToggleButtonGadget SendWarning
/_u_s_r/_a_d_m/_a_p_p_l_e_t_a_l_k/_m_s_g Communication file for K-AShare
Server-wide list of published
$(_H_O_M_E)/._K_S_V_o_l_s Per-user list of published volumes
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XXXXKKKKAAAASSSS((((1111)))) KKKK----AAAASSSShhhhaaaarrrreeee bbbbyyyy XXXXiiiinnnneeeetttt,,,, IIIInnnncccc.... ((((22224444 OOOOcccctttt 1111999999997777 8888....8888)))) XXXXKKKKAAAASSSS((((1111))))
K-Talk startup Shell Script (holds
K-AShare options). This is a
symbolic link to
/usr/adm/appletalk/services on SGI
and Solaris (SunOS 5.2 or later).
_X(1), _k_s_d(1m), the _K-_A_S_h_a_r_e _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_o_r'_s _G_u_i_d_e
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